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Video Marketing for SaaS: Strategies for Success

Understanding the Buyer’s Journey in SaaS Marketing The buyer’s journey in SaaS marketing refers to the process that potential customers go through from the moment they become aware of a problem or need, to the point...

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organization, teams, team members, productivity
How to Use Video to Grow Revenue

Video can be an amazing tool to increase revenue and profits. The key is to do it right.

What is: Visual Effects?

Visual Effects (commonly known as VFX) is a large field within film and video making. Although...

What is: Audio Design?

According to George Lucas, sound is 50% of the moviegoing experience. Really think about that....

What is: Video Editing?

SWIPE – BAM – FWISHH!! The sounds of film editing echo out through the corridors of time....

What is: Animating?

“Animation” is an overused word that doesn’t mean what you think it does. Often used to...

What is: Directing?

What are the fundamentals of video production? Good question. There’s a lot to it. As video...

Data Doesn’t Drive People

All over the corporate world, there’s an idea that human behavior can be influenced with data....

Igniting Passion

Your product or service was born out of a passion to resolve, help, or create something....

What Does COPPA Mean?

You’ve undoubtedly heard about “COPPA laws” affecting video makers. This may have been...

What’s The Point?

Why are you making a video? Why choose this medium over any other? Why is your product or...

How To Inspire

How do you motivate someone? Show the potential of what “could be?” Embolden someone toward...

Does Your Style Match Your Story?

Everything in your video should support your story. But it’s possible that the very medium...

Accessibility in Video (Part 3) – Cognitive Disabilities

This post is part 3 of 3 in a brief series on creating video for those with disabilities. I’m...

Accessibility in Video (Part 2) – The Blind/Visually Impaired

This post is part 2 of 3 in a brief series on creating video for those with disabilities. I’m...

Accessibility in Video (Part 1) – The Deaf/Hard of Hearing

You may not have a product or service that is geared directly toward those with disabilities....

How Do I Keep My Credibility High?

In our previous blog on how to persuade, we emphasized that “the first step in persuading...

Who Actually Uses Social Media?

We’ve talked a lot in the past about social media and how people are using it. And that’s...

Why “Shooting It On Your iPhone” Doesn’t Cut It

Who needs video production houses if I can just whip out my phone and record, right? Why bother...

Highlight Your Accomplishments

The title says it all. It’s simple. But we forget to do it. There’s a reason that your...

Growing Your Business Holistically

Every business seeks to grow – in presence, efficiency, and profitability. There’s plenty of...

Don’t Pursue ‘Relevance’

“Stay relevant, otherwise they’ll find another business who is.” This constantly echoes in...

Video Matters

If you didn’t already believe that using video is essential, COVID-19 has proved it. We’ve...

The Best Way to Persuade

Many articles nowadays explain “how to video market with emotions” and “how to capitalize...

Customer Service Through Video

When you build your brand or company, you envision a certain look, feel, and experience that a...

Marketing During Quarantine

Don’t pretend like things aren’t different. Things are not as they used to be – most people...

What Can A Virus Teach Us About Business?

COVID-19 has been all over the news. I’m sure you’ve heard – social distancing, remote...

Achieving Your Executive Goals With Video

As we’re settled in to 2020, you’ve already reviewed and set new executive goals for the...

Business As Story

When was the last time that pure, scientific evidence moved you to make a lasting change? Maybe...

Keeping A Personal Touch in a Digital World

In an increasingly digital world, we oftentimes lose human touch. Things are so quickly and...

What Makes A Good Social Media Video?

Social media has changed the landscape of digital video significantly in the last 20 years....

Holiday Videos

The 2019 Holiday season has come and gone and we’re now into the New Year. Here’s hoping...

Why Generation X Will Boost Your Business

Millennials, millennials, millennials – this generation is the focus of much conversation in our...

The Training Video

A while ago, in our Internal Company Videos blog, we mentioned that “training your employees...

How Should You Interact with Generation Z?

By now I’m sure that you’ve read all about Generation Z – the up-and-coming workforce and...

data, information, tracking, archive
Compelling Your Audience (Into A Better Customer Experience)

Use video to create a better customer experience

5 Ways to Improve Your Customer Experience

We’ve all had a bad experience with a service or product at some point. The kind of experience...

Crafting A Video Strategy

Video Strategy? You’ve surely heard this combination of words before. Probably in the context...

Should Your Company Videos Be Humorous?

Nowadays, we see a lot of company videos and advertisements that are intended to be funny....

Internal Company Videos

So you’ve spent a lot of time branding yourself and communicating to your customer with video....

Effective Video Storytelling

We recommend that you read our blog on Effective Communication before continuing. Humans respond...

Creating Culture in Your Company

Everyone wants to work for a company that they respect and enjoy. Consumers want to buy from...

Clutch Celebrates Kyro Digital as a Top 3D Animation Agency in 2019

Most companies waste time and finances on marketing material that doesn’t work and doesnt...

Why Your Company MUST Be Using Video

There’s an inherent pull to watch something as opposed to reading it. Considering that you...

The Post-Purchase Video

Create lifelong customers by showing you care AFTER they give you their money.

Building a Brand Video

So you’re hearing the term “brand video” a lot. It keeps popping up in all kinds of...

Effective Communication in Video

Your organization has a unique voice. However, it’s not enough simply to be unique if you...

What Does Video Do?

Humans have been telling stories for as long as they’ve been around. Why wouldn’t video do...

Securing and Marketing to Your Audience

Nowadays, we’ve become accustomed to the idea that marketing to our audience requires loads of...

The Post-Production Process

Now that you’ve captured all of your footage, there’s a simple way to bring it all together...

Social Campaigns

We’ve all been there, guessing at what brand a commercial is representing. This happens a...

Finding Your Unique Voice

Don’t read into this question. Answering it is simple marketing. There’s a reason your brand...