Video Marketing for SaaS: Strategies for Success
Explore the strategies we use to show the power of video marketing for your SaaS business and drive success.
10 Questions to Ask a Video Production Agency
Hiring a video production agency is quite an investment—and it feels like an even bigger one if this is your first time using an agency. Whether you’re new to video, exploring higher-ticket video options, or simply working with a video production company for the first time, it’s crucial to get this right… the first time.
10 Tips to Book More SaaS Demos Using Video
In today's competitive SaaS landscape, booking demos is crucial to driving conversions and expanding your customer base. As traditional outreach methods become less effective, video marketing has emerged as a as the single most effective way to capture attention and engage prospects. In this blog post, we'll dive into ten practical tips for using video marketing to book more SaaS demos. Whether you're a seasoned marketer or just starting, these insights will help you connect with potential clients in a more dynamic and impactful way, ensuring your SaaS solution stands out in the crowded marketplace.
2025 Video Marketing Trends
Video Marketing Trends for 2025
Video marketing is evolving fast in 2025, and these trends will help D2C and SaaS brands stay ahead and drive real results.
Why Video Marketing is Still the Star of 2025
Remember when video marketing was considered the "next big thing"? Well, spoiler alert: it still is—and it's only getting bigger. As we roll into 2025, video is the not-so-secret weapon for product marketers, whether you're selling a D2C ecommerce product or a B2B SaaS platform. Why? Because people don’t just want to read about your brand; they want to see it, feel it, and experience it—all in under two minutes MAX.
Maximizing Business Growth Through Video Marketing
Discover how video will help your business and drive sustainable growth in your marketing and retention strategies
Achieving Your Executive Goals With Video
As we’re settled in to 2020, you’ve already reviewed and set new executive goals for the year. Do your plans include video? We hope so.
Clutch Celebrates Kyro Digital as a Top 3D Animation Agency in 2019
Most companies waste time and finances on marketing material that doesn’t work and doesnt deliver conversions. Our mission is to create video at an affordable cost that drives results and empowers our clients to be confident that their marketing material is working.
Accessibility in Video (Part 3) – Cognitive Disabilities
This post is part 3 of 3 in a brief series on creating video for those with disabilities. I’m no expert, but can at least offer some suggestions for creating video that’s more accessible. Our goal: to create content with Universal Design in mind. If you need more guidance or are interested in learning more, I’d recommend that you engage a specialist.
Growing Your Business Holistically
Every business seeks to grow – in presence, efficiency, and profitability. There’s plenty of ways to do this, some of which are probably coming to mind right now. But you may not have considered one strategy: holistic video.
Keeping A Personal Touch in a Digital World
In an increasingly digital world, we oftentimes lose human touch. Things are so quickly and easily automated that we spend more time talking with Artificial Intelligence and service bots than with real people.
The Post-Production Process
Now that you’ve captured all of your footage, there’s a simple way to bring it all together and start building that final product. The post-production phase is where you really start to see where your effort has gone. See the steps below for a general outline.
What Can A Virus Teach Us About Business?
COVID-19 has been all over the news. I’m sure you’ve heard – social distancing, remote working, gatherings & events stopping, restaurants closing, etc.
Building a Brand Video
So you’re hearing the term “brand video” a lot. It keeps popping up in all kinds of places. Why is it used so often? Is it really that helpful?
What Makes A Good Social Media Video?
Social media has changed the landscape of digital video significantly in the last 20 years. Since we’re in the video world, we’ll need to know how to work with this.
Why “Shooting It On Your iPhone” Doesn’t Cut It
Who needs video production houses if I can just whip out my phone and record, right? Why bother with a professional if I can do it myself?
Why Generation X Will Boost Your Business
Millennials, millennials, millennials – this generation is the focus of much conversation in our workforce. There’s some pieces on Gen Z, but we often seem to forget about Generation X. If you don’t know who Generation X is, go read up before continuing further!
Holiday Videos
The 2019 Holiday season has come and gone and we’re now into the New Year. Here’s hoping it’ll be a great one!
Securing and Marketing to Your Audience
Nowadays, we’ve become accustomed to the idea that marketing to our audience requires loads of skill. Organizations with massive amounts of customers have shown us that “it’s a big numbers game;” that marketing is far more complex than just advertising a product to a select group of people.
Don’t Pursue ‘Relevance’
“Stay relevant, otherwise they’ll find another business who is.” This constantly echoes in our ears. “Oftentimes the biggest challenge we face is staying relevant.”
Business As Story
When was the last time that pure, scientific evidence moved you to make a lasting change? Maybe recently. But when was the last time that a story moved you?
Accessibility in Video (Part 2) – The Blind/Visually Impaired
This post is part 2 of 3 in a brief series on creating video for those with disabilities. I’m no expert, but can at least offer some suggestions for creating video that’s more accessible. Our goal: to create content with Universal Design in mind. If you need more guidance or are interested in learning more, I’d recommend that you engage a specialist.
Why Your Company MUST Be Using Video
Let’s assume that you don’t know anything about video, but are seeking to run a business in 2019. Now, let’s cut to the chase. Why must you use video?
Accessibility in Video (Part 1) – The Deaf/Hard of Hearing
You may not have a product or service that is geared directly toward those with disabilities. But perhaps you do. Either way, we know that video does a great job communicating and is the preferred way to reach people online. And we don’t want to exclude a part of the population from experiencing this.
The Training Video
A while ago, in our Internal Company Videos blog, we mentioned that “training your employees with video is powerful and cheap.”
The Best Way to Persuade
Many articles nowadays explain “how to video market with emotions” and “how to capitalize on emotions in your ad.” Although there’s some wisdom to be found there, it seems that oftentimes these articles miss the big picture: persuasion in its fullest sense.
Video Matters
If you didn’t already believe that using video is essential, COVID-19 has proved it. We’ve seen the internet boom in usage whilst people are working & living remotely.
Who Actually Uses Social Media?
We’ve talked a lot in the past about social media and how people are using it. And that’s important.
How Do I Keep My Credibility High?
In our previous blog on how to persuade, we emphasized that “the first step in persuading someone with video is to keep the credibility of your [company] high.” The character of your business really matters when it comes to doing business; what does your company signify?
How To Inspire
How do you motivate someone? Show the potential of what “could be?” Embolden someone toward a cause?
What’s The Point?
Why are you making a video? Why choose this medium over any other? Why is your product or service so important?
What Does COPPA Mean?
You’ve undoubtedly heard about “COPPA laws” affecting video makers. This may have been brought to your attention via YouTube creators you follow or large media or news outlets covering the topic. Either way, if you’re making a video and putting it on the internet, COPPA involves you.
Igniting Passion
Your product or service was born out of a passion to resolve, help, or create something. There’s a reason why you’re the best at what you do.
What is: Directing?
What are the fundamentals of video production? Good question. There’s a lot to it.
What is: Animating?
“Animation” is an overused word that doesn’t mean what you think it does. Often used to refer to an entire field, animation is one aspect of a process.
What is: Video Editing?
SWIPE – BAM – FWISHH!! The sounds of film editing echo out through the corridors of time. Believe it or not, movies (which were shot on film) used to be stitched together physically, using scissors and what looked like large, deconstructed tape decks. This was the process of video editing.
What is: Audio Design?
According to George Lucas, sound is 50% of the moviegoing experience. Really think about that. Imagine your favorite films without audio – and I mean all audio; no soundtrack, no sound effects, and no dialogue. Much less immersive, huh?
What is: Visual Effects?
Visual Effects (commonly known as VFX) is a large field within film and video making. Although people often use the terms “CGI,” “VFX,” and “Animation” interchangeably, these are all quite different elements of the process.
Marketing During Quarantine
Don’t pretend like things aren’t different. Things are not as they used to be – most people are working from home, business-as-usual is suspended, and we’re living day-by-day. We can’t sit around hoping that our normal marketing material will still work because, frankly, things aren’t normal.
5 Ways to Improve Your Customer Experience
We’ve all had a bad experience with a service or product at some point. The kind of experience that makes you want to try something else. The moment when you’re thinking “I’m never gonna do this again” while angrily drudging through whatever you’ve committed to. This is never a good thing.
Compelling Your Audience (Into A Better Customer Experience)
Envision it: you finally got your video in front of your customer and they’re intrigued. Unfortunately, though, they’re not sure how to get started with you. Perhaps they feel as if your video simply informed them of your existence, rather than moving them to learn more. Unless this was your goal, you probably haven’t done a good job of guiding your customer into a relationship with you.
Crafting A Video Strategy
Video Strategy? You’ve surely heard this combination of words before. Probably in the context of a “video marketing strategy.” But what really is it and – better yet – how do you build one?
Creating Culture in Your Company
Everyone wants to work for a company that they respect and enjoy. Consumers want to buy from companies with “fun” or “unique” cultures. But what does this really mean? How do we use or understand this?
Data Doesn’t Drive People
All over the corporate world, there’s an idea that human behavior can be influenced with data. “If we’ve got the right reporting model,” they’ll say, “we can predict & reduce churn or boost sales.” The idea is that data (or the right kind of data) can inspire human behavior.
Effective Video Storytelling
We recommend that you read our blog on Effective Communication before continuing.
How Should You Interact with Generation Z?
By now I’m sure that you’ve read all about Generation Z – the up-and-coming workforce and consumer population. There’s plenty of articles out there explaining who they are and why they’re useful to study; if you haven’t seen anything yet, do some research and familiarize yourself before reading further.
Internal Company Videos
So you’ve spent a lot of time branding yourself and communicating to your customer with video. Is that all? Can you do more?
Should Your Company Videos Be Humorous?
Nowadays, we see a lot of company videos and advertisements that are intended to be funny. Sometimes this is taken too far in an attempt to stand out, making memorability more important than the brand. Other times, however, humor is perfectly suited to a company’s specific audience, making a product or service more popular. Is this an effective technique or is it a passing trend?
Customer Service Through Video
When you build your brand or company, you envision a certain look, feel, and experience that a given customer will have with your service/product. You imagine their customer journey. You create something that will solve a problem for your buyer and then implement it.
What Does Video Do?
Video is widely pervasive and prevalent in our world. It’s not just what you see in a movie theatre. There’s much more to it! But…what does it actually do?
Effective Communication in Video
Your organization has a unique voice. However, it’s not enough simply to be unique if you can’t communicate well. In a saturated market, it’s essential that you present your ideas effectively and persuasively. Otherwise, you’ll be swept under the waves of the growing market.