Video Marketing for SaaS

Explore the video marketing strategies we use to drive success for your SaaS business.

Why “Shooting It On Your iPhone” Doesn’t Cut It

Who needs video production houses if I can just whip out my phone and record, right?

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What’s The Point?

Why are you making a video? Why choose this medium over any other? Why is your product or service so important?

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What Makes A Good Social Media Video?

Social media has changed the landscape of digital video significantly in the last 20 years. Since we’re in the video world, we’ll need to know how to work with this.

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Social Campaigns

“Oh, I know! I bet it’s gonna be a car commercial!”

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What is: Directing?

What are the fundamentals of video production? Good question. There’s a lot to it.

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What is: Animating?

“Animation” is an overused word that doesn’t mean what you think it does. Often used to refer to an entire field, animation is one aspect of a process.

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What Does Video Do?

Video is widely pervasive and prevalent in our world. It’s not just what you see in a movie theatre. There’s much more to it! But…what does it actually do?

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What Does COPPA Mean?

If you’re making a video and putting it on the internet, COPPA involves you.

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What is: Audio Design?

According to George Lucas, sound is 50% of the moviegoing experience. Really think about that. Imagine your favorite films without audio – and I mean all audio; no soundtrack, no sound effects, and no dialogue. Much less immersive, huh?

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Keeping A Personal Touch in a Digital World

In an increasingly digital world, we oftentimes lose human touch.

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Video Matters

If you didn’t already believe that using video is essential, COVID-19 has proved it. We’ve seen the internet boom in usage whilst people are working & living remotely.

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The Post-Production Process

Now that you’ve captured all of your footage, there’s a simple way to bring it all together and start building that final product.

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The Training Video

A while ago, in our Internal Company Videos blog, we mentioned that “training your employees with video is powerful and cheap.”

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The Post-Purchase Video

In the “What Does Video Do?” blog, we mentioned this:

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What Can A Virus Teach Us About Business?

COVID-19 has been all over the news. I’m sure you’ve heard – social distancing, remote working, gatherings & events stopping, restaurants closing, etc.

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